Our curriculum

Our School

Curriculum approach

At Wise Owl Trust we are committed to ensuring that every child should have the opportunity to succeed in life.

Our aim is that children are hard-working, resilient, tolerant and have a rich understanding of the wider world.

To help achieve these aims we have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum that can be accessed by all our children, regardless of their needs. Subject leaders are passionate about their curriculum area. Along with all staff, they help to foster a love of learning amongst our children.

By clicking on the subject overviews link lower down the page, you will find a yearly overview of the units of work that we teach. All our plans use the National Curriculum as the focal point. We have also ensured that these plans begin in the Early Years Foundation Stage, so that children are well prepared for their next stage of learning in Year 1 and beyond.

Teachers are clear on the precise knowledge that pupils need to know and remember. All staff use formative assessment strategies throughout each lesson to check pupils understanding. Constant use of recap and retrieval activities enables staff to embed the curriculum knowledge into pupils’ long term memory. As a result, pupils have a rich knowledge of subjects across the curriculum.

All subject leaders are given regular, dedicated time to check that their curriculum area provides children with continual, high quality learning opportunities. Leaders use this time to continually review and refine curriculum plans, keep up to date on the latest research, gather the views of pupils and teachers, provide staff with regular training and review the work that pupils produce. This continued cycle of improvement ensures that the curriculum is high quality and remains relevant to our children and the context in which they live.

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Curriculum brochure

Our subjects

RSE Statement

Since September 2020, all primary schools have been required by the government to teach Relationships and Health Education.

Relationships Education

Designed to help children to have positive and safe relationships with family, friends and online.

Health Education

Helping children to make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues arise for themselves or others.

We have reviewed our PSHE curriculum to make sure that our lessons meet the requirements that the government has set out for the content of Relationships and Health Education.

We have also updated our Relationships and Sex Education policy to reflect the new statutory status for Relationships Education, and we are inviting parents to read through the DFE Guidance found on the governments website.