Year 5 Who Let The Gods Out? by Maz Evans

In 5HO, we are currently reading ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by Maz Evans.

When a young Zodiac goddess, Virgo, lands in his back garden, Elliot thinks he might see a way to resolve some of his difficulties but, instead, the pair manage to accidentally release Thanatos - the immortal death-daemon - from centuries of imprisonment.

Precious says: ”I love the fact that Elliott is a quiet, shy character, as usually main characters  are loud and boisterous and I can’t relate. I am enjoying this book so much I don’t want it to end!”

Omosede says:”I really like the fact that Virgo is the smallest of the Gods, but she is the one who has made it down to Earth. I can’t wait to know what happens next!“

Omniya says: “This book makes me curious about Greek gods and star signs.”

As a class, we give ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ 4 out of 5 stars! We are really enjoying the storyline, but some of the Ancient Gods’ names are a bit confusing for us. We are still getting used to the characters! On the other hand, we are all predicting an exciting twist, so we are excited about that!

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