Reception Am I Yours? by Alex Latimer

In Reception this term our topic is dinosaurs. The children are getting really involved and excited about our new story “Am I yours?”, written by the author Alex Latimer.

An egg rolls from a nest and during the story various dinosaurs meet the egg and try to help it to find where it belongs. Throughout the story we learn the names of dinosaurs and each dinosaur is beautifully illustrated.

An egg arrived at our classroom and the children were very excited about it. The next day cracks appeared on the egg. Finally, it hatched and there was a Pterodactyl in our class! So we left the window open and whilst we were at lunch he flew away. 

This got the children really excited about the book and they have really enjoyed it.

There are so many descriptive words for us to explore and we have been learning lots of new vocabulary through reading the book.

Chrislain says “The egg rolls down the hill and lands on level ground. He is looking for his Mum and Dad.” Chrislain then starts to repeat lines from the book “what do you look like inside that shell, I can’t see you so I can’t tell”.          

Mofe says “I really like the book because I like dinosaurs and I know a lot about them. Do you know that the triceratops has three horns? Tri means three.”  

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