Year 1 Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram

In 1CC, we’re currently reading Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob) by Simon Bartram.

The everyday life of Bob, the man on the moon. Bob has a busy life of being the man on the moon, he has to clean and tidy, welcome visitors, performs tricks for tourists and much more. He knows almost everything there is to know about the moon - but there's something going on behind his back that he hasn't spotted... Aliens!!

Heidi says, “ I really like the book because it is fun and silly!"

Annifa says, "I love the story because I wants to go to the moon to look for aliens too."

Abu says, " The book is really good and aliens do exist!”

This is our third week of reading this story and we absolutely love it! we have laughed, we have jumped and we still can’t believe that Bob hasn’t seen the aliens yet! We are giving this book 5 stars as we have been hooked all the way through.

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