Year 2 The Twits by Roald Dahl

In Year 2, we have been reading The Twits! Together, they are: THE TWITS. A rather MEAN and NASTY pair, aren’t they?

Harlow says, “Mr Twit and Mrs Twit are so funny. They are really mean and nasty and they can be quite scary”

Sanidhya says, “This book really helped me in English recently. We had to write character descriptions and I used a lot of the thoughts and my imagination to help me write about Mr and Mrs Twit. I cannot wait to read the rest of the story.”

So far we’d give ‘The Twits’ 5 stars! This story brings our imagination alive. It allows us to consider what Mr and Mrs Twit are like in real life and we hope there aren’t any worms in our spaghetti! We really don’t want it to end but we are dying to find out what happens next at the same time!

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