Year 4 Planet Omar- The Incredible Rescue Mission by Zanib Mian

In Year 4, we have been reading Planet Omar. We recently finished the first story and couldn't wait to start the second in the series. Planet Omar and his Incredible Rescue Mission has been a very funny story. So far we know that Omar's favourite teacher, Mrs Hutchinson, has gone missing! Omar has developed a plan with his best friends Charlie and Daniel which has led them to get into lots of mischief. We cannot wait to find out where Mrs Hutchinson has gone and to see if she really has been abducted by aliens like Omar believes.

Luca says " I think this story has been so funny! I like it when H2o, Omar's imaginary dragon makes an appearance as he really does seem to be real!"

David says " I loved the last Omar book we read and I really can't wait to see if Mrs Hutchinson has really eaten an alien or if there is another reason for her disappearance!"

So far we would give this story 4 stars as it is super funny and has been a good sequel to our last book!

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