Year 6 When The Sky Falls by Phil Earle

When the Sky Falls

Our book is all about a young boy (Joseph) who moves to London during World War Two. He ends up living with the fearsome Mrs F- who turns out to be not quite as bad as she first appears! With a friendship with a gorilla- Adonis- and beginning to build trust with Mrs F, Joseph finally feels like he is beginning to belong somewhere. It is a heart-warming story that shows the importance of understanding and trust between both people and animals.

Tofunmi- It is a good book and is very interesting- my favourite character is Joseph. He has a great sense of humour and is very sarcastic. At first he really wanted to wind up Mrs F but he has softened but doesn't want Mrs F to find out about his feelings!

Lacey- I really like this book. Joseph is really trying to wind up Mrs F, but it is really clear that Joseph isn't as uncaring as he tries to make out as he is interested by Adonis and he deep down really likes Mrs F's dog, Tweedy.

We have really enjoyed this book and can't wait to find out a little more about Joseph to understand why it seems so angry. So far we rate it 9/10.

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