Year 2 Life Cycles- Caterpillar to Butterfly by Camilla de la Bédoyere

In 2LW, we’re currently reading a non-fiction text “Life cycles Caterpillar to Butterfly” by Camilla de la Bédoyere.

“What do caterpillars eat? Where do butterflies lay their eggs? How long do butterflies live?”

This book allows the children to identify features of a non-fiction text and to gain a deeper understanding of a life cycle of the butterfly.

Charlie says “I find this book really interesting. I enjoy finding out about insects and how they develop into different forms… in this case a caterpillar to a butterfly.” He also asked the question “Where do they get their colours from?”

Nadia says “I really find this book enables me to explore what life cycles means. I like looking at the diagrams as these help me to understand concepts more clearly.”

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