Year 1 Peace At Last by Jill Murphy

In Year 1 we are currently reading “Peace at Last” by Jill Murphy.

Mr Bear is very tired and trying to sleep. He goes to many different places in the house to sleep but is kept awake by lots of loud, strange noises. When he finally gets some peace and falls to sleep he is rudely woken by his alarm clock.

Melvin says:  “I like it when Mr Bear shouts ‘I can’t stand this!’ and has to find a new place to fall asleep.”

Kemari says: “Why doesn’t Mr Bear throw the alarm clock out of the window and then he will be able to sleep in peace?”

Zohan say:s “The owl is in the garden in the trees and makes the noise twit twoo.”

Our class have given this book 4 stars because we’ve really enjoyed creating actions and sound effects to go with the story. It has helped us remember lots of story language in the book. We just would have liked Mr Bear to have more sleep and not to have been woken up by the alarm clock because he was very tired.

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