Year 3 Africa, Amazing Africa, Country by Country by Atinuke

In 3EC we are currently reading "Africa, Amazing Africa, Country by Country" by Atinuke.

This is a book where you get to journey through all the different countries of Africa and find out some fantastic and extraordinary facts! You get to travel through incredible landscapes and glimpse awesome animals.

David Ak says, "I really enjoy reading this book! I think it is amazing how it helps us to educate ourselves about other continents, countries and cultures"

Retaal says, "It's amazing, interesting and great to learn so many facts about a different continent and it's countries. There are so many more countries in Africa than I thought!"

We are all loving reading this book and we have all gained a vast amount of new knowledge about so many new countries. So far we are giving this book 4 stars and can't wait to find out about even more countries in Africa!

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