Year 4 Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet by Zanib Mian

Planet Omar is a hilarious, fantastic story all about a boy called Omar and his life’s adventures.

Omar has just moved into a new house with his family: sticky-fingered little brother Esa, snooty older sister Maryam and his scientist parents.

Going to a new school turns out to be okay, apart from the fact that class bully Daniel tells Omar that because he's a Muslim, he's going to be kicked out of the country and will have to go and live in Pakistan. Understandably worried, Omar asks his cousin if that's true, and both hope it isn't, because there's a distinct lack of good pizza there. Plus, there's mean Mrs Rogers next door who complains loudly about Omar's mum frying onions.

Yet when mean Mrs Rogers has an accident, Omar's family is there to help. And when Omar and bully Daniel get stranded on a school trip in London, Omar realises that Danny isn't so tough after all...

Leigh says, ‘ Planet Omar is so funny, I really like all the characters. I have laughed so much at Omar and his imagination, in particularly when he created his own imaginary dragon H2O.’

Isabella says, ‘ This book is hilarious. It really made me laugh when Omar’s little brother blew his whistle in mosque. I can’t wait to see if Omar makes friends with his bully who he thinks is stinky.’

So far we would give Planet Omar 5 stars! It is incredibly comedic and very entertaining!

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