Year 5 Rise Up! Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary Stories by Amanda Li

In 5HO, we are currently reading ‘Rise Up! Ordinary Kids with Extraordinary Stories.’ by Amanda Li.

‘Be empowered by the amazing true stories of these boys and girls from around the world. Discover the environmental activists striking for climate change, the survivor of a shark attack and the campaigner fighting for children’s rights.

Read about the challenges they have overcome, learn incredible tips and skills, and be inspired to rise up and live your life to the max!’


Albara says: ”This story has really inspired me to be helpful. If they can change the world, so can I!“


Precious says: ”I love the fact that a Ugandan girl was included, she reminds me of myself.”


Thamani says: “The story I like best is the boy who went scuba diving and found loads of trash in the ocean. He decided to make a trash-eating machine called the Ocean Clean Up, which is now used in oceans around the world to help the environment!”


As a class, we give ‘Extraordinary Stories’ 5 out of 5 stars! We really enjoy learning about inspirational children and how these young people have made an impact on the world. We also love the informational sections, which give us hints and tips on how to make a difference, just like the children in the story. We don’t want this book to end!

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